The power of genuine presence in the here and now is constantly lost by getting identified with the mind's propensity to continually travel between the opposites, the past, and future.
The most challenging thing for consciousness to do is to stay centered inside in its purity and resist being drawn outward into the world of objects through the senses, where it would become identified and become the mind.
Remember Consciousness is at the center, the senses are at the periphery and objects are beyond the periphery.
It's important to stay in the present moment with that which is, with that which doesn't come and go, and don't get identified with thoughts, objects, and other things that come and go and pull you away from yourself.
The most difficult and most rewarding task is to remain in its true nature, which is stillness, and not identify with the endless stream of ideas, thoughts, and objects that it has spent countless lives chasing.
Is there a secret to living in the moment?
Yes, focus on the inflow and the outflow of your breath, since this phenomenon is occurring right now.
Remember that the only time it is possible to take a breath is right now; you can't do it for the past or the future.
If you get lost in your thoughts, always ask yourself, "Where am I?" to return to the present. Then, turn your attention away from your thoughts, which are in the past or the future, and toward your breathing, the "I am," and the here and now.
Realize that pure consciousness is at the center, the senses are around the border, and objects are beyond the borders.
I'm angry, and anger is the content. I'm happy, and happiness is the content within the container in which these things are happening.
Realize that you are the container, not the content. You are the one having the experience, not the experience itself. You are the one observing, not what is being observed.
The real question is not what I am experiencing, though that is a good place to start, but who is experiencing these things?
Who is that individual? Who are you? Am I the thing that's happening to me, or am I the individual who's experiencing it?
As we forget about ourselves and get involved in the experience, we lose ourselves in it and never get to know our true selves as the experiencer, which is what "know thyself" means.
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