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How do You Treat Your Body Like a Friend or Foe?

Imagine a marvel that pulses with life, a wondrous creation tuned to the rhythms of your being. This remarkable servant, unparalleled by any feat of science, pledges its loyalty to you for lifetimes , if only you love, respect, and synchronize with its intrinsic marvels. Pause for a fleeting moment, ponder the myriad miracles unfolding within your bodily frame, unseen yet profound. In perfect health, every fiber, every nerve, every cell of this intricate vessel operates in flawless unity, akin to a symphony of perfect harmony. Some treat their bodies as adversaries, rather than cherished companions, neglecting their sanctity with careless abandon. Consider this: many lavish more care upon their vehicles and possessions than their own corporeal selves. Isn't it astonishing? We spend a lifetime housed within these flesh and bone abodes, yet seldom comprehend their intricate workings. We strive to grasp the mechanics of machines, and the algorithms of computers, but fail to grasp the
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