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Showing posts from October, 2022
  The Fastest and Safest Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off! Always consult with your doctor  or a professional in the field before you start on a diet or a weight loss program. There are so many ways to get fit and shed those extra layers of unwanted body fat.  Unfortunately, it takes an orchestrated amount of work (commitment and dedication) to lose the excess weight and achieve your dream body. Before you begin a weight loss program, you should know a few very important facts about weight loss. The first step is to take responsibility for your actions . How did you get yourself in this predicament in the first place? Will you do whatever it takes t o create a great-looking and healthy body? Start by acknowledging that your body  is just a physical vehicle for your spiritual soul and when you feel stressed or depressed you will not use food as a buffer to alleviate uncomfortable emotions. When those negative feelings do arise, be aware that it's your soul which needs nourishing,
  The Best Secret to Getting Flat Abs Fast for Women Tired of being flabby?  Ready for a flat stomach? You’re just one of the millions who want to lose belly fat and get a tight and toned tummy. Belly fat is usually one of the first we put on , and can be the toughest to get rid of. Not only is it making you feel less attractive, it is also a high-risk place to accumulate fat for your health. Collecting fat around our essential organs is a bad   habit,  North Americans have developed by eating unhealthy foods and not being as active as we should be. Accept your problem First,  accept your problem. You’ve come far enough to want to read this article, which means you know a change is in store for you. Good for you! Also, be sure that you know exactly what has caused you the belly in the first place. Once you accept this, you’re less likely to revert back to old habits once you’ve achieved your lean body. Ladies,  it's not all about crunches and sit-ups Next,  you’ll need a sound work
  Some of the Best Ways to Fend off Those Food Cravings Just imagine for a moment… a rich ,  dark, and yummy chocolate bar is calling out to you. You can pretty much taste the creamy and sweet goodness of the bar. You want to consume it so badly that you simply cannot think about anything else. Though,  you should question yourself if it is really the taste of the chocolate that you are craving or the soothing associations that accompany it? Do you want it only because you know that you should not have it? Or do you feel that trying to fight the craving will only make it worse?  Why do individuals crave specific food items at certain times? Scientists are trying to understand the difficult relationships among behavior , mood, and food. They are also trying to explore all these certain questions that come to your mind to understand your cravings for food. From what we have found so far is that cravings for food stimulate similar reward circuits in an individual’s brain as cravings for a
  Is Your mind Sabotaging Your Happiness? Is it possible to put a switch in the mind and turn OFF the chatter when it's not needed? Yes , that switch is called Meditation. Meditation is a science, the art of learning how to turn your mind OFF when it's not needed. 2 things that can be benefited from a restful mind.   First,  you can experience peace,  a bliss that you have never known before. The restful mind will be fresher, and more alert, and when you are ready to use- it, it will function more efficiently when you speak your words will be more meaningful, more powerful, more charismatic, more influential, and more poetic.  And second, when the mind chatter  stops for the first time in your life you will get to know your real self. Satchitananda, when the consciousness awakens from the dream and realizes itself, it will experience itself as bliss.
  Health is Wealth   Being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out. There is a lot a person can do such as jogging or walking in the morning,  playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and work out in a gym. Just like taking any medicine,  one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise. Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve one's health from a variety of diseases and premature death.  It also makes a person feel happier and increases one self-esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also been shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesn’t. The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises . This helps burn calories and increase the muscle-to-fat ratio which will increase one's metabolism and make
  Hypnosis and Weight Loss Controlling your weight and avoiding weight gain as you get older are important ways to prevent a host of weight-related health problems. Indeed, if you are more than 20 pounds over your ideal weight, you are at greater risk for a rogues’ gallery of potentially deadly conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, endometrial cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, breast cancer. What’s more, most people who are overweight tend to avoid exercise, and that avoidance just adds to the toll paid for extra pounds. If you have a sedentary lifestyle and are overweight, you are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. And, if you already have a medical condition such as high cholesterol, being overweight puts you at higher risk for complications. The good news is that even modest amounts of weight loss can improve your health significantly. Loss of 10% of body weight can reduce blood pressure, high cholesterol, trig
  Healthy Nutritional Lifestyle Develop a Healthy Mental Attitude. Live Right, Eat Right, Feel Right! If you want to live a long and fulfilling life with a glowing youthful appearance , feeling your best in this present moment and every other moment throughout your life, then we need to construct and design for you a plan of action, one that will bring you the desired results for all your orchestrated positive effort. Living and creating a life by design and not leaving it up to chance or just merely hoping for the best to happen is the best way to take control and direct your life’s energy to where you want it to go and not be the victim of past conditioning and outer circumstances. One of the best ways to do this is by changing habits –create and reinforce habits that build and strengthen your body through exercise, a healthy diet, proper recuperation, feeding your mind with positive thoughts and images, and nourishing your soul with positive feelings and actions layered with persist

The Secret to Living a Stress-Free Lifestyle

In this fast-paced society,   everyone is running around unaware and without clarity or purpose to their actions, and getting caught up in this matrix of life’s daily routine. Always reacting to the constantly   changing external stimuli and old internal programming   of how things should be.  It seems that we never have enough time to get things done in a proper and timely manner. We eat fast food,  pop a few pills to get that fast cure, chase down buses, dodge through traffic to catch cabs, and forget to walk or take the stairs for exercise. In addition,  we move in and out of relationships as fast as we can without reflecting on what caused the break up in the first place, we X-them out and move on to the next. We think we are Clark Kent  and can run in and out of gyms without warming up or cooling down, and repeating those same old habitual patterns daily… basically living like robots programmed from past memories and never living in the present moment now. Have you ever tried to s

The Fastest and Safest Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

Many strategies exist to lose weight and get fit. Unfortunately, losing weight and getting and getting fit requires commitment and dedication. Know these critical weight loss facts before starting a program .   Take Responsibility   The first step is to take responsibility for your actions . How did you get yourself in this predicament in the first place? Will you do whatever it takes to create a great-looking and healthy body? Start by acknowledging that your body  is just a physical vehicle for your spiritual soul and when you feel stressed or depressed you will not use food as a buffer to alleviate uncomfortable emotions. When those negative feelings do arise, be aware that it's your soul which needs nourishing, it's that inner emptiness that needs to be filled with love and self-recognition,  not your body, but you keep stuffing that emptiness with food. Realize that food is……  just a temporary relief to that inner emptiness. Stop repeating the same vicious cycle of emotio

Do you treat your body like a friend or a foe?

T his wonderful servant of YOU, this miraculous mechanism that science has not yet been able to duplicate, will be your respectful servant for life if you   love, respect, and work with its unique intrinsic functions. Just think briefly of all the miracles   your body performs for YOU, and you’re unaware.    In a state of perfect health, every organ, every nerve, every cell, every part of this intricate and efficient instrument… functions in perfect unison with one another, like a perfect harmony. Some treat their bodies as their worst enemy,  not their best friend. Some even treat their cars and physical possessions better than they treat their own bodies.  Interestingly, most people will live in their bodies their entire lives and never fully comprehend   how they   should function. They often place a greater value in understanding what makes their automobile run better and their computers and cell phones run faster rather than trying to understand the TRUE and significant value of h