Trying to solve a problem in the world using the conscious mind is like trying to uproot a tree by pruning its leaves. The real cause of the issue is at its roots; the leaves are only a sign of what the roots are doing. The same issue will keep resurfacing in your life if you don't address the issue at its root—the unconscious mind or hard drive. The mind itself is the problem. As long as the issue's cause or effects are not addressed, the leaves will keep showing up on the surface as a symbol of what is invisible and buried under the surface. Since it is outside, the invisible is visible in our world. The movie that is being played to you down in the projector room is just being reflected to you by a screen. If you focus the light of awareness on the problem in the unconscious mind rather than combating the light and shadows that are being shown on the screen, the problem will merely disappear from the visible world. Start with changing yourself if you want to change the world...
Embrace the transformative power of awakening through fitness, meditation, inspiration, mindfulness, and stress reduction, and embark on a lifelong journey toward genuine happiness and well-being.