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Showing posts from February, 2024

Navigating the 3D World of Doing and the 4D World of Being!

Welcome. Amidst the complexities of modern life, individuals often find themselves caught between two distinct realms: the tangible world of action and the ethereal realm of being. These dimensions capture the contrast between outward pursuits and the subtler domain of self-awareness and inner fulfillment of peace. Mastering and aligning these realms is vital for achieving a well-rounded and satisfying existence. To escape the clamor of the mind and the chaos of the external world, one must retreat inward and find solace within oneself.  Remember, to get out is to go in. The world of action, often called the 3D realm, is characterized by tangible accomplishments, productivity, and the pursuit of external goals. Here, individuals are propelled by ambitions and societal expectations. It's a realm marked by constant motion, efficiency, and a focus on tangible outcomes such as wealth, career advancements, and recognition. On the other hand, the realm of beingness, known as the 4D world...