In the labyrinth of life, the phrase "seek and you shall find" often beckons us down winding paths, yet its meaning remains elusive. What, indeed, are we seeking? Should we not reconsider our pursuit, for in seeking, do we not imply an absence within ourselves? Consider the tale of the woman in her dimly lit home who suddenly finds her cherished earring slip from her fingers and disappear into the darkness of the floor. Without hesitation, she steps out into the night, where the glow of a nearby lamppost illuminates a gathering of eager helpers drawn to aid her search. Puzzled queries arise: "Where did you misplace your prized possession? And why do you seek outside when the earring was lost within the familiar shadows of your home?" Why do we gaze outward, searching for happiness, peace, love, and joy in the vast expanse beyond when they reside within? Curious musings emerge: Perhaps it's because the allure of the outer beckons most persuasively. ...
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