I hope you've discovered a favorable avenue for investing your finances.
Likewise, I trust you've directed your life energy towards a more fulfilling pursuit.
Consider this: the mind, encompassing your thought processes, consumes a significant percentage of your energy. If a substantial portion of that energy is invested in negative thinking—be it worries, judgments, or criticisms—then a considerable percentage of your investment is being frivolously spent on something that yields no positive returns.
The remaining small amount is allocated to essential bodily functions.
It's essential to recognize that expending the majority of your energy on unnecessary thoughts and concerns, especially on things beyond your control, is akin to squandering your valuable investment.
The energy once flowing into the metaphorical swamp land of the mind can be redirected to fertile grounds of peace, love, and compassion of the heart. Unlike the mind, the heart holds no distinctions of good or bad, right or wrong; such categorizations belong to the ego-mind.
Looking and Feeling Your Best is now just a phone call away. Try nycfitliving now for a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation. Visit us at; nycfitliving.com
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