Acknowledge this, dear friends: we don’t perceive the world as it truly is; instead, we only see reflections of our inner state. Our perceptions are not mere observations but projections of our thoughts, beliefs, and identities.
What we experience in the world is deeply colored by our internal landscapes—our hopes, fears, worries, and conditioning.
Consider the blue sky, for example. It seems so definitive and real, appearing as a boundless expanse of blue. Yet, if we ascend beyond this appearance, we encounter no sky or blue—only the absence of these appearances. The sky’s blueness is a construct of our imagination, not an intrinsic quality of the universe.
Similarly, when we step into the world, what we experience is a projection of our inner beliefs onto the screen of life. This screen only reflects back what we have projected onto it. We are the screen—pure consciousness—rather than the images that appear.
To awaken from this dream-like hypnotic state, we must recognize that our internal programs and projections shape the world we see.
These programs create an illusionary reality that feels real but is merely a construct of our own. Our daily reactions to external stimuli are filtered through these ingrained illusions, keeping us tethered to a distorted perception of reality.
True awakening involves disentangling ourselves from these mental constructs. It requires a deep introspection to see through the layers of our conditioning and to recognize that what we perceive is a projection rather than an objective truth.
When the illusion of separation dissolves, it becomes clear that the One encompasses all, and all is part of the One. The One Life.
So, embrace the transformative power of awakening through personal training, meditation, mindfulness, and destress, and embark on a lifelong journey towards genuine happiness. Visit us at to begin your journey today.
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