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"Everything You've Been Searching for is Already Within You"


Gather close, seekers, for I am about to share a story—a story you already know but have long forgotten, a story of you.

Once upon a time, you fell into a deep slumber. In this sleep, you dreamt a thousand dreams, lived a thousand lives, and played countless roles. 

Realize that you have played every role—the hero and the villain, the lover, the wanderer. You have chased ambitions, battled fears, celebrated victories, and mourned defeats. Yet, through it all, have you stopped to ask: Who is the one dreaming this dream?

Consider this game of Maya, the grand illusion, the spell that binds. When you dream at night, you are lost in the dream’s embrace, believing yourself to be the one running, fighting, laughing, and suffering.

 The dream pulls you into its current, and you forget—the dreamer is not the dream. And then, suddenly, you awaken. The dream vanishes. It does not unravel slowly; it is gone in an instant. 

The struggles, fears, and joys dissolve like mist in the morning sun. And in that moment, you realize: None of it was ever real.

But the deeper mystery, dear seekers: this waking world is no different from the night's dreams. It, too, is an illusion woven by the unconscious mind. 

The people you encounter, the stories you create, the desires you pursue, and the fears you escape are merely fleeting shadows dancing upon the screen of your consciousness.

You are carried from one moment to the next, drifting between the dreamer and the thinker, between thought and emotion, never pausing to notice the silent presence beneath it all. 

That presence—vast, still, and eternal—has been watching all along, yet it has forgotten itself to be you in the depths of the illusion.

Have you not grown weary, dear seeker? Like a dog endlessly chasing its own tail, unaware that what it pursues is already a part of itself? 

How much longer will you run after the next thought, the next desire, the next illusion—only to find yourself right where you began? 

When will you finally pause and let go of the endless pursuit? When will you realize that what you've been searching for has always been within you?

Isn’t it time to rest, stop grasping at appearances, and awaken to the stillness that has never left you?

Pause and Reflect: Do you realize you are lost in a dream? Once you awaken to this truth, a more pressing question emerges—how deeply do you yearn to awaken?

Picture this: when a man is drowning, he doesn’t just think about breathing—he battles for every breath with every ounce of his being. Do you hunger for truth with that same intensity? Or do you find peace in the warmth of illusion, drifting in the comfort of unconsciousness?

To awaken is not to add more knowledge or gather new experiences—it is to peel away the layers of conditioning and become utterly still. It is to step back and see the mind’s ceaseless chatter for what it is—just noise. 

The mind swings like a pendulum, oscillating between pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, hope and despair. Yet a space exists beyond this restless motion—a realm untouched by duality, beyond all movement. That still, unmoving center is you.

So, how does one awaken?

First, become the silent observer. Watch the mind without being pulled into its drama. When a thought arises, do not chase it. When a feeling surges, do not become entangled. 

Simply watch as a mountain watches the passing clouds.

Second, rest in stillness. The mind thrives on movement—give it none. Find the quiet beneath all the noise, the space between thoughts. It is always there, waiting, untouched by time.

Third, question everything. Are you the thinker of thoughts, or are you the one aware of the thoughts?

 Are you the one feeling emotions, or are you the witness of them? Peel away every illusion until only the essential remains.

Finally, surrender to the vast silence within you, not the dream. Let go of the endless seeking, the craving, the struggle. There is nothing to become—only something to remember.

So tell me, dear seekers, will you continue dreaming? Or will you take the next breath of air as if it were your last and wake up?

 The choice is yours—but choose wisely, for time is only an illusion, and the dream does not last forever.

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