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Laughter the Healing Medicine!

Laughter heals us, keeps us healthy, and above all connects and bonds us with other human beings.

-We enjoy sharing a good joke with others.
-We enjoy making others laugh.

Laughter makes us feel good, eases the tension, and breaks the ice.

So, we know how laughter helps us to connect with others, but what is it about laughter that heals and keeps us healthy?

Well, numerous studies have found that the power of laughter reduces stress and improves health in the following ways:

  • Raises endorphin levels which contribute to a feeling of well-being.
  • Stops pain.
  • Increases human growth hormone levels, which are necessary for the healthy functioning and rejuvenation of every cell and system of the body.
In a California study, participants experienced increased benefits just by thinking about seeing a funny movie, they increased their beta-endorphin levels by 27% and human growth hormone by 87% than those individuals who were expecting to see a comedy.

Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore found that laughing determines how well blood vessels are able to expand (the better they expand the fewer chances of a heart attack and stroke.)

For volunteers that watched a funny movie, blood flow increased by 22% in 19 out of 20 volunteers who participated.

Also, it is well documented for example, that people have more heart attacks on Monday mornings (when the work week begins and dread the idea of going back to doing something they hate) than any other day of the week.

A project called (RX) laughter found that children who watch funny videos during a painful procedure have less cortisol (a stress hormone) than usual.

According to psychologist Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Melon University. In a landmark article, Cohen and his colleague found that folks who are happy are less likely to become ill when exposed to cold viruses.

In this 1979 best seller, Anatomy of an Illness. Norman Cousin talks about how he cured himself of a crippling disease of the joints (ankylosis spondylitis) by administering high doses of vitamin c and lots of laughter.

In her book Molecules of Emotions, the famous Neuropharmacologist Candace B. Pert, a research professor in biophysics and physiology at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, writes that neuropeptides and receptors are the bio-chemicals of emotion.

Emotions are the informational content that is exchanged via the psychosomatic network with the many systems, organs, and cells participating in the process. She says, that emotions are the messengers carrying information to link the major systems of the body into one unit is what we call body-mind.

She goes on to say, that viruses use the same receptors as neuropeptides to enter into a cell. One explanation for how this might work is that the reovirus, shown to be the cause of the common cold, uses the same receptors for norepinephrine (an informational substance thought to flow in a happy state of mind, to enter the cell.)

Presumably, what happens is that when you are happy, the reovirus can’t enter the cell because the norepinephrine blocks all the potential virus receptors.

In conclusion, what can we do to keep ourselves healthy and happy?

  • Don’t take life too seriously, and have a sense of humor about things.
  • Buy or rent a few old or new funny movies and turn them on when you need a lift.
  • Don’t watch too much bad news, tune in to something more uplifting and positive.
  • Join a comedy or an improvisation class.
  • Remind yourself how good laughter is for you.

As comedian Steve Allen once said, ” we are all born with genetic ceiling and floor, but what we do with our lives determines whether we end up on the ceiling or on the floor.” Laughter lifts us up to the ceiling.

Remember, an Ounce of Prevention in Each Moment is Worth a Pound of Cure Down the Road.

Looking good and feeling better naturally is now just a phone call away. 

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