There is empirical evidence that acupuncture can alleviate chronic pain.
Acupuncture, is a non-invasive method of treating chronic pain that has been around for thousands of years.
This is accomplished by stimulating acupoints in order to control the flow of qi (the body's vital energy). For pain relief, more and more individuals are turning to traditional medicine, which has been around for thousands of years.
Beginning with acupuncture's physical impacts, this article will cover every aspect of this ancient healing method. But before we get into that, let's talk about why acupuncture works so well for chronic pain.
Acupuncture is a medical practice wherein thin needles are inserted into certain points on the body in order to stimulate the sensory nerve endings in the skin and muscles, with the hope of alleviating pain and other symptoms.
- Pain is reduced because acupuncture is founded on the theory that certain spots on the body can realign the flow of qi, or vital energy.
Pain of various kinds, including the back, neck, and head, may all respond to acupuncture, according to the available evidence.
- Patients with knee osteoarthritis were treated with acupuncture twice weekly for 12 weeks in a clinical trial. Acupuncture patients reported less pain and better function than those who underwent sham acupuncture.
- To verify these results and establish acupuncture's efficacy in treating chronic pain, more study is required. Yet, it has been shown to be effective, at least in some cases, and could be a viable alternative treatment for patients with chronic pain.
- It is claimed that acupuncture can help control disruptions in "qi" that can cause pain and sickness because it is based on a concept called "qi" that takes into account emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.
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