Let's start with this premise and say that the mind is never clear, the mind is always in confusion, better to say, the mind is confusion. Mind is a processor of thoughts, always a crowd with many thoughts coming and going, like a parade marching in front of you and clamoring for your attention.
Mind is just like many clouds floating in the sky.
It has been said that we have between fifty to sixty thousand thoughts a day, mostly negative and repetitive in nature.
Every minute old thoughts dis-appear and new thoughts re-appear.
Remember, the sky is always clear and empty, but the clouds obstruct that clarity and emptiness which always is!
Just like your consciousness is always pure and clear and once it gets identified with the mind, it becomes the mind and loses it's clarity and becomes the confusion.
Being in the mind is like being in an airplane and flying through layers and layers of clouds and never seeing any clarity. Only, when you raise your altitude and transcend the lower vibrations of the mind, will your consciousness rise above the clouds and return back to its natural state of clarity.
The way to practice and experience this clarity is to simply change the gestalt, instead of focusing your attention on the clouds, and the thoughts, focus on the empty sky and the background, and when thoughts appear, as they will, just try to focus on the space between the clouds or the gaps between the thoughts.
Very simple, just unfocus on the clouds and focus on the sky.
Keep in mind that your presence in these gaps might last a few second, and then you're back into the chatter and confusion of the mind, but, be persistent in your effort by bringing your attention back to the empty sky, or the gaps between the clouds and not the content appearing across the background.
Also...to keep in mind, as you remain present in those gaps for longer periods of time you will keep getting stronger and stronger and the minds magnetic pull on you gets weaker... thoughts start to slow down..gaps get wider, and you will remain in that clarity for longer periods of time.
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