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The 8 and half steps to achieving your goal?

 Depending on where you are in the process, achieving a goal might be simple or challenging.

How far are you from the destination?

Whether there are significant obstacles in your path or a direct route to your destination.

Have you ever been successful? The journey will be simpler if the route is well-known; otherwise, it will be more challenging.

 Have someone gone before you and left markers on the way? so that someone else isn't fumbling around in the dark by themselves. Some claim that success leaves clues. Instead of starting from scratch, consider how you may make improvements.

 Can you travel well? 

Are you in enough physical shape to make this trip? Do you eat well and exercise frequently? So as to take care of your physical health, prevent your body from breaking down along the way, and avoid getting in the way of your goals?

How are you thinking? Are you mentally capable of observing your thoughts and ingrained thinking patterns along the road and preventing them from sabotaging, distracting, or diverting you from your objective?

 Let's begin our journey.

 1. Are you certain of your goals?

 2. What sort of way of life do YOU wish to design for yourself?

-Finances and money

-Career and business partnerships

-Spirituality and physical and mental well-being

-Recreation and play, individual surroundings, and service and contribution

2. Do YOU understand WHY you want something and how it will make you feel?

Why not YOU? What obstacles do you face, and are there ingrained subconscious tendencies that can make you doubt your accomplishment or feel unworthy of it?

 4. Are YOU groping in the dark or DO YOU have a strategy or plan to get you there?

 5. Are you implementing your plan in the necessary ways? Only by continuously pedaling a bicycle can "momentum" keep the energy moving ahead; as soon as you stop, the bicycle will halt and tumble. Thus, if you want to win, keep pedaling!


"You have to see it before you can achieve it"

7. Do YOU push yourself by rewarding yourself along the road for small successes?

 8. Do you have someone you can make accountable for your activities to ensure that you stay on course?

 The second half is to simply do it. If you don't start doing it right away, you probably won't.

Looking and Feeling Your Best is now just a phone call away. Try nycfitliving now for a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation. Visit us at;

To Be Well is to: Workout Well,  Eat Well, Sleep Well,  Think Well,  Feel Well, and Most Importantly, Enjoy Life Well.



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