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The Magical World Of The Butterfly

Just imagine for a moment, that you are a cell, a caterpillar cell, whether you are acting the part of a muscle cell, a digestive cell, or any other role you have been assigned to play.

Your job and the job of millions of other cells is to build the economy and strengthen the environment where this form called the caterpillar can grow and reach its full potential.

Every night after a hard day’s work everyone gathers and converses about their daily job accomplishments and responsibilities to keep the economy growing and expanding.

Now, think for a moment,  that life is a continuous rhythm of movement and change, the rhythm of night and day, winter and summer, the web and flow of the tide, the expansion and recession of all things.

The caterpillar has reached its full growth potential, things start to slow down, the economy stops growing, and fear stirs in YOUR mind that your services are no longer needed. Some cells lose hope and die off with the carcass of the caterpillar.

While other cells envision a brand new world.. a world of a stronger and a better economy, a more beautiful world, the world of flying through the air, the world of drinking nectar from beautiful flowers, the world of bathing in the sun for long periods. Yes, this is the world of the butterfly, and yes, these cells are called the visionary cells.

These cells are the visionaries, the architectsand the builders of that world.

In our world, we have composers, painters, poets, inventors, the architects of heaven, and the saviors of our world. The world is a more beautiful place because these people have lived.

Columbus cherished a vision of a new world, he went out, sailed it, and discovered it.

Copernicus fostered a vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe and he revealed it.

The Wright brothers dreamed of creating a machine that would allow humans to soar through the air like birds, and they achieved just that.

Socrates held on to the teachings of a greater truth, they provided him a choice to live a life of an ordinary or to die with the spirit of his teachings. He went with the latter and died as an extraordinary.

The Buddha cherished a vision of a spiritual world, a world of stainless beauty and perfect peace and he entered into it.

The visionary cells held a vision of a bigger and better economy, a more beautiful world, the world of the butterfly, and they transformed it.

A few words from Dr Fleet...

As the greatest of achievements were once a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, The bird waits in the egg, and the grandest vision of the soul rising of a flawless angel begins to stir.

As dreams are seedlings of realities. As the visible is sustained by the invisible. Those who cherish beautiful visions and lofty ideals in their hearts must one day realize them.

So...what is your vision? What are YOUR ideals? What passion stirs in your heart? What is your philosophy of life?

Do you crawl and walk like a caterpillar or do you float and fly into that magical world, like the butterfly?

Looking and Feeling Your Best is now just a phone call away. Try nycfitliving now for a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation. Visit us at;

To Experience the Feeling of Well Being is to Workout Well,  Eat Well, Sleep Well,  Think Well,  Feel Well, and Most Importantly, Enjoy Life Well.


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