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Four steps to awareness!

Step 1: The initial step involves detaching yourself from unconscious living, where the mind operates like a robot, responding mechanically to pre-programmed reactions.

Step 2: The second step is engaging in conscious observation. This entails actively watching the object of distraction or attraction, such as observing your surroundings or your breath. As you progress, you move beyond mere observation, reaching a witnessing point—a centering between opposites. In this step, you become actively vigilant and consciously aware of both your external environment and internal thought processes. 

Step 3: Beyond the witnessing phase, which suggests that it is still a form of doing. This step surpasses the duality of subject and object, moving towards a more profound awareness a state of being.

Step 4: The fourth step is awareness itself—a state of total subjectivity and presence without any specific action. Unlike witnessing, which implies a doer, awareness is non-doing; it is simply being or beingness. Witnessing is a technique leading toward awareness.

With awareness, the old mind dissolves, replaced by conscious alertness and an awareness of totality. The mind transcends into oneness, dissolving the duality of separate entities. The drop no longer perceives itself as separate from the ocean; it has meld into the ocean's vastness or we can say the ocean has melded into the drop.

This transcendence is the awareness that goes beyond the duality of the mind. Consciousness, being a quality of the mind, cannot transcend duality. It perpetuates the division between subject and object, activity and inactivity, conscious and unconscious states.

Something greater than the body is aware of the body--this is mind, and something greater then mind is aware of thoughts —this is consciousness. Going further, awareness is aware of consciousness. The witnessing aspect of the mind, termed awareness, transcends consciousness. While consciousness is aware of the mind's activities, awareness is aware of consciousness itself.

In summary, consciousness is a facet of the mind, and awareness represents the transcendence of the mind. As the medium of duality, the mind keeps consciousness within its confines. Only through awareness can one move beyond the limitations of dualistic thinking. Just being aware of awareness itself.


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