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The vast array of worlds mirrors the richness of individual minds. Personal trainer New York.

Select an object and immerse yourself entirely in its presence. As you hone in on the object, allow peripheral distractions to disappear. Maintain your focus on the object, zooming in closer with unwavering attention. Embrace the depth of focus, remaining fully present. If stray thoughts surface, gently guide your attention back to the object. This practice is about training your attention.

When you focus on something like a rose, the entire world vanishes—a miraculous experience where the entirety of existence disappears and only the rose remains.

This revelation underscores the fundamental role of attention. Whenever and wherever you direct your attention to an intention, a world materializes from that empty space, and by withdrawing it, that world returns to that emptiness. 

Be aware that your attention may wander due to various disturbances and interruptions. Over many years, your attention has been scattered. 

It's time to reclaim and concentrate it on a singular object.

Focus your attention, remaining alert and present; this focused attention on your intention creates the object or the event into your world.

Concentration marks the initial step towards meditation; training your attention on one object builds concentration. 

Like a muscle, your attention needs exercise to gain control.

As you persist, your attention becomes malleable. Once the object commands your attention, redirect the attention inward. Now, the object serves as a gateway to self-awareness—the observer of that object transitions into the observer.

As the observer becomes the observed, the watcher becomes the watched. 

Looking and Feeling Your Best is now just a phone call away. Try nycfitliving now for a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation. Visit us at;


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