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Once upon a time, a wise monk named Zhen lived in a serene temple surrounded by whispering trees and gentle streams. One sunny day, he gathered a group of curious teenagers, their eyes wide with wonder. 

“ Dear young ones,” he began, his voice calm like a flowing river, “let us embark on a journey. Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourselves, ‘Who am I?’”

The young ones giggled and squirmed, but Zhen smiled gently. “Yes, yes! You might say, ‘My name is Sarah,’ or ‘My name is Alex.’ But is that truly who you are?” 

The young ones pondered, and one girl said, “But that’s what my parents call me!” 

“Ah, indeed!” said Zhen. “That is the name given to you when you came into this world. But let us dig deeper. What else do you say when you think of yourself?” “i am a Christian!” chimed in another child.
“Very good!” Zhen replied. “That is your faith, your guiding light passed down from those who love you. But let’s explore further.
 Who are you really? Perhaps you say, ‘i am a scientist,’ or ‘i am an artist.’ Yes, those are your professions, your roles in this dance of life.”

He paused, watching their faces. “But my dear ones, if you only see yourselves through these titles and labels—like the gender of  ‘male’ or ‘female’—how can you discover the essence of your true being? These identities are like leaves on a tree, ever-changing with the seasons.”

A boy raised his hand. “But I don’t understand! If I’m not my name, my job, or that which i identify with, then who am I?”
Zhen smiled as the sunlight filtered through the leaves. “Ah, you are asking the most beautiful question! Let us think together: before you were born or held any name or title, who were you then? In that quiet space before existence, what was there?”

The young ones were silent, their minds busy with thoughts of stars and dreams.

“Now,” Zhen continued, “consider this little ‘i’ that claims to be you, the one that says, ‘i am this’ and ‘i am that.’ Where did this ‘i’ come from? Is it not a reflection of the world around you? A whisper of what others think or believe?”

One teenager said softly, “So, the ‘i’ isn’t me?”
“Exactly!” Zhen said, his eyes sparkling with wisdom. “It is like a shadow, fleeting and insubstantial. To find the true ‘you,’ you must learn to peel away these layers—like removing a cocoon to reveal a butterfly.” 

To uncover your true self, shift your gaze from the outside world to the depths within. The real treasure lies inside; happiness and peace aren’t found in fleeting external circumstances.
 After all, how can you find lasting joy in ever-changing things? Instead, seek happiness and peace within, where true fulfillment resides.

The wise one took a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh air. “As you sit quietly, start to let go of everything you've been told about your identity. Ask yourself, ‘Who is this, ‘i thought? To whom does it arise? When you feel the urge to assert and identify, pause and ask: ‘Who is this ‘me’? Where is this ‘me’? Take a moment to observe and notice the one who is aware, without any thoughts.” One young teen nodded, intrigued.

“Every time you ask this question, you step closer to awakening, to revealing the radiant light of your being that lies beneath the surface. You are not just a name, a belief, or a job. You are pure consciousness, unchanging light—timeless and eternal.”

With the sun setting, Zhen concluded, “Remember, dear ones, the journey to discovering who you truly are is filled with wonder and joy. Embrace it, and let the source of peace in your hearts guide you home.”

As the young ones looked at each other, a sense of peace washed over them, and they knew they had begun a magnificent adventure into the depths of their own being.

Embrace this transformative journey through fitness, meditation, mindfulness, and stress reduction techniques. Begin your path to genuine happiness and well-being today. Visit us at to start your journey toward a more happy and fulfilling life.


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